Ein Blick über den Teich

TippVon einem amerikanischen Börsenhändler mit über 40 jähriger Erfahrung haben wir folgendes gratis Coachingvideo bekommen.
Darin erklärt er wie er gerade die aktuelle Marktlage sehr erfolgreich und vor allem sicher handelt.

Anschauen lohnt sich:

There’s an upcoming market event about to happen where you can
use a simple 2-part options trade to go after double or even
triple digit returns…

…in as little as 1 day after the event takes place.

Similar events in the past have produced profit potential of:

88.5% trading Facebook (in just 1 day)…
194.2% trading Apple (in 27 days)…
216% trading Yahoo (in 20 days)…

A new training website reveals the PROOF and teaches you how to
copy this technique…


Of course, sometimes the trades backfire and don’t work out, but
there’s so much risk protection built into this 2-part trade the
way it’s taught, that any losses you experience can be
dramatically minimized.

To watch the first training video, go here:


The next big market event where you can use this technique is
coming up fast, so you need to be prepared, or else you’ll miss

P.S. Even if you’ve never traded options before, Bill guarantees
you’ll understand how to use this technique. It’s so simple (and
so powerful), that you may never trade stocks again…


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